On behalf of John Powell and myself, all of us at Inline Plus were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of one of the stars of our first series, Sarah Strong-Law, a.k.a Barrelhouse Bessy.
Founder of the Adelaide Roller Derby at a time when the sport was starting to boom around the world, she jumped at the chance to spread her love of roller derby, and skating in general with our Inline Plus audience, becoming a regular presenter throughout the first series. With her friends at ADRD, they introduced us week by week to the sport, and had a great time doing it. She lit up our show with her presenting work alongside John and the women of the derby league.
I, myself, did not get to meet her, but I felt I knew her through her appearances on the show and as I compiled the episodes back in Melbourne. I have since gone to learn a lot about what she has done for many, many communities since that time. She was a shining light that was taken far too soon. Sarah, thanks for all you did for us, and helping make our little TV project the great community project that it was. Lots of love to W Boone Law, family and her many, many friends.
She was truely “one of a kind” and will be deeply missed by all who knew her, even just through her many media appearances.
Rest In Peace Barrelhouse Bessy.
With grateful thanks, on behalf of all of those who crewed on Inline Plus TV.
Michael Costello,
Inline Plus Founder